
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Here is the info for my new blog & webpage!

Go to:

Jen's New Website - Bookmark this one!!!

You will see tons of new features including new recipes, new information, new blog posts, etc. Also, my business is linked and one in the same as that page, so go check it out to see my full portfolio!

Here is the link for the blog post I just published tonight:

Bathroom Cabinet Redo

Thanks guys!!!

Love you!


Here is a preview until you get to the new page:



Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cutest Kid Contest

My youngest - Connor - is running for Cutest Kid in a contest being held by Red Oak Photography now through Wednesday at 11:59 pm. All you have to do is vote for him and if we get the most votes, we win a free mini session! To vote for Connor, you can click on the link above or click HERE. Then "like" the page for Red Oak Photography on Facebook. Once you have "liked" the page, go to Connor's picture HERE and "like" that as well. Comments do not count as votes, only clicking the like on the page and the photo count. Here is the picture you will be voting for if you choose to do so:

We went out for a quick bluebonnet shoot and he decided to scream "HI!!"

I apologize for the hush in blog posts this week. My house has been kind of crazy and I have had a few  extar business leads. Want a look? Here are some logo designs I built this week...

If you or someone you know are starting up your own business or already have and are in need of logo design or just graphic design in general, please visit my Designs by Jen Etsy Shop

Monday, April 15, 2013

Quick Health Update

Y'all, I just wanted to give a quick update on my health. I wanted to keep this separate from my recipe posts for searching reasons to not be annoying for anyone who isn't hear for this.

If you were hear in December, you may have seen that part of my journey right now is including trying to lose weight and become healthier. I have recently started a new medication for recently diagnosed (but long-overdue) chronic migraines called Topiramax. I was warned by the doctor that a "side effect" is that I would likely loose weight. I laughed pretty hard at that one and told him to sign me up!

In December, I weighed in at 220 lbs. Since then, I have actually lost weight and gained it back again, getting as high as 228 lbs before getting on this new medicine. I started the medication around the middle of March so it has been just about one month now. I got on the scale yesterday and I was down to 206.4 lbs. I am down 22 lbs since December! I was in a size 20, sometimes even those were fitting tight, and today I out on my size 16 Calvin Klein blue jeans again for the first time in months.

Now I know it is probably mostly from this medication, which makes me feel full a LOT of the time, so I don't eat as much as I do. I have also eliminated soda from my diet completely, reduced my Starbucks intake from about 4-5 times per week down to about 1 time per month (and instead I have coffee at home = 130 calories per cup x 1 per day). I also have increased my water intake and increased my activity levels with being at home and the amount of housework I do on a daily basis keeping up with the cleaning and children to ensure the house stays clean.

I feel great. I know this is not the end goal, but it is a start, I don't see a huge difference, but I am posting a head shot from tonight because I felt like I could see a difference in my face from tonight versus when I started the blog in Nov/Dec. You be the judge, but don't let the lack of hair/make up fool you.

OMG my eyebrows are caa-razaay!! So sorry... But I am stoked that I am losing weight. :)

{Slow Cooker} 5-Cheese Lasagna Soup

This recipe is so easy and a yummy take on a family tradition! My family loves Italtian food, and pastas especially. Lasagna has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid, but I remember my mom always hated cooking it because she would get home from work at a regular time (5-6 pm), have to prep everything, then still let it bake in the oven for at least an hour before we could eat. It was never a weeknight meal. Well, folks, things have changed!

I introduce you to my new favorite tradition, Slow Cooker 5-Cheese Lasagna Soup.

You will need the following for this recipe:

  • lasagna noodles (oven ready if cooking in quick amount of time, otherwise not necessary)
  • 1 can/jar spaghetti sauce
  • 1 can petite diced tomatoes, not drained
  • 1 can tomato sauce
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 4-5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 container Italian blend cheese (Asiago, Parmesan, Romano), shredded
  • 4 oz cottage cheese
  • 6 oz mozzarella cheese, shredded 
  • 1/8 tsp. celery salt
  • 1/8 tsp. seasoning salt
  • 1/8 tsp. basil
  • 1/8 tsp. each salt & pepper
  • 1 1/2 cup water
Here is what my ingredients looked like:

I obviously chose to go the quick-cook method tonight... Don't judge me.

I buy onions every once in a while in bulk, dice them all at once and freeze them to avoid frequently torturing myself. So these are my frozen, diced onions. Same difference. Deal with it peeps. It's an onion.

I used roughly 1/3 of the block of the mozzarella you see in this picture. If you know me, you know I don't measure much at all when I cook so pretty much everything in my recipes are guestimates... Just like the 4 oz of cottage cheese because it was a little less than half full... :)

Step 1: Brown the ground beef with the onion, garlic, and seasoning (season salt, salt, pepper) to taste. I prefer not to drain it so that later it keeps better flavor in the "soup," but if you drain it or have a lean cut of beef you can add extra water.

Step 2: Once the beef is completely cooked through (and drained if you are going to), add in the canned tomato products and the celery salt, basil, and any extra seasonings you may wish to add in. If you like a kick, you could add in a dash of red pepper flake at this point.

Step 3: Once you have added in the tomato products, give it a good stir and let it simmer for about 15 minutes to let the flavors soak in while you shred the mozzarella if you are a procrastinator like me or, like me, you had a bunch of munchkins running around your ankles whining at the time, occupying your thoughts and you hadn't gotten that far, yet. If you have already shredded the cheese, go get a drink and let the sauce bubble a few minutes while you break up the noodles.

Step 4: See.. Told you to break up those darn noodles... It is easier to eat the soup if you have them broken in advance since soup tends to be eaten with a spoon and spoons don't normally cut very well.. Break up the noodles and place at the bottom of your slow cooker. Then top with a layer of your sauce mixture that should be nice and hot by now.

Step 5: I didn't get a picture of the cheese mixture, but mix all of the cheeses together in a medium/large bowl (mozzarella, Italian blend, cottage cheese, etc). Mix it up as best you can. Spoon that over the sauce mixture. You want to use about 1/3 of it on each layer unless you are doing really thin layers, but I am normally always able to get 3 layers in my large slow cooker. Then repeat the layer process again and again until you are all out of the food!

Step 6: The end result before closing your slow cooker should look like the picture above, with cheese on top. Just cover and cook. If you are using oven ready noodles, you can cook on high for 2-3 hours before eating (really it is done in about 2) or on low for 4-5 hours. If you are using regular noodles, cook on high for 5 hours or on low for 6-8 hours. When you are ready to serve, just give it a good stir and you will see this:

I hope you enjoy the soup! We had it tonight and I am stuffed from half a bowl of it! It is great with a salad and veggies, garlic bread, etc... :) Love y'all!

BTW, keep posted for the new blog to be revealed at the end of the week... We are moving to a bigger and better site to combine our business and blog into one! It will be a transition, but I hope you will move with us. 

Oh and PS! I would love for any reader to comment >>> My husband does not count, but thanks, babe. Seriously, guys. I have been feeling kinda down and it would be nice to know that someone out there is for reals actually into this blog and not just reading it because they know me. I enjoy writing and I feel like this is a way for me to really express myself honestly in a way that a lot of people don't get to see the me I know. So, if you are actually into the blog legitimately, or have gotten something from it, learned something new, enjoyed a new recipe, etc, I would love to hear about it in the comment section of one of the posts that it is relevant to or this one. I will totally send you a hand-written Thank You card from little ol' me to you and it would make my day to know I made a difference to someone. 

Thanks, guys!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Weekly Checklist Printable

I am trying to come with an easier way of making sure I not only keep my tasks organized so I have a schedule for the week, but so I can make sure the tasks were done. Having as many kids around as I currently do, I tend to forget if I have already done a certain task (such feed the dogs or take my medicine... or eat). 

I made this printable to help me maintain the organization of the weekly schedule so I know I am still keeping up with all of it and I can look back and see that I did it. I made a blank version for y'all if you want to use it (just comment and let me know). My personalized version is highlighted on the days I want certain things done. 

So for mopping the hard floors in the house, it works best in my schedule to do so on Sundays and Thursday when I have the least amount of people running around the house. To remind me of this, I highlighted the box in a light yellow. You can do this to the blank version with a yellow highlighter if you wish. :) Then, once a task has been completed, you just check it off so you know it is taken care of. 

While typing this post, I was reminded of something I have been meaning to ask... Could any of y'all recommend a good free or cheap document sharing site that might allow me to load my documents such as this printable onto a database and then include a link in this blog post for anybody to click on and download? How do I do that? I am not even sure where to start... I am still new to the blogging world. 

Here you go!

Personalized Version
Blank for your personal use :)