Okay, so I am finally posting this. I am still not happy with this and will be editing it once I am happy with mine but I keep promising it, so here it is.
I will include a link with each printable I got from anyone else with the pictures, but they are all 100% free.
To start, let me tell you a little about what I have included in my binder and why.
I will eventually make a cute fabric cover to hide the ugliness of the plain white binder. Seriously, I will. I already have the fabric in my office waiting. But in the mean time, I have a printable I got from . It is customizable to your liking, and again, FREE. I like FREE. :)
Cute, right?
Under the Schedules tab, you will see the Daily Time Manager Section. I have about 2 weeks worth of these at a time and will refill as needed, but these will help me better manage my time so I can be more productive. This is the most detailed part of our scheduling. Here is where I got these: _________________________________
You can see how they are intended to be used (as instructed from the originator). I love this one!
Then we move onto my own creation... the week at a glance pages, which allow me to jot down any appointments or basic things for scheduling to keep in mind while filling in the Daily Time Managers.
I also created a monthly calendar in the same style as the weekly calendar as you can see below. :)
Following the monthly calendar, I have a Special Dates Reminder I found at ___________________
I liked some more of the printables I found at ________________________________ and chose to use the Monthly Zones to do list for cleaning the house...
as well as the Auto Maintenance Log...
as well as the Auto Maintenance Log...
and the Household Projects Planner...
I chose to have the second tab in the binder be my Money tab. To start, I use the Annual Bill Schedule as shown below to show me the bills that are due each month and keep track to make sure they have been paid. This will help to avoid any missed payments since you mark each off as it is paid.
I am using my personalized Monthly Budget Worksheet after that to go over a rough breakdown of our household finances for an entire month....
Followed by the Weekly Budget Breakdown as shown. since we get paychecks every week between the two of us. It helps us break everything down into our envelope system (like Dave Ramsey) and make sure we are more disciplined with the money we have.
The third tab in our HMB is the Contacts tab. Inside you will find the following self-explanatory pages (respectively, Utilities Tracker, Usernames and Passwords Log, School Contact Sheets for each child, Medical & Health Insurance Contact Sheet, and the Family & Friends Contact Sheets.):

The last tab in our HMB is the Food tab. First I have the meal planner, as shown. I love this one because it gives me the spot to list out the main dishes for the week as well as an individual box for each day to break it all down. I like to write down the ingredients required for each recipe planning to be used on the back of this page and use it to check my kitchen inventory. I cross out anything I do not need and then move on to making an organized grocery list from that. I got the printable for this one here: http://www.artsyfartsymama.com/2012/01/lets-get-organized-printable.html
Last but not least is the Recipes to Try sheet, where I can write down the ones I found online or in a book and where I found it so I can easily find it again and use it.
Here are the links for all of the printables I did not create
(Utilities Tracker) http://printables.yourway.net/ home-management-notebook/ utilities-tracker/
(To Do List with Time Mgr) http://www.organizinghomelife. com/archives/4411
(Monthly Zones) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4433
(Bill Pay Schedule) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4474
(Contacts - Neighbors) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4524
(Contacts - Family) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4531
(Medical Contact) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4542
(School Contact) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4582
(Username/Password Log) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4608
(Special Dates) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4622
(Household Projects) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4630
(Auto Maintenance) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4668
(Recipes to Try) http://www. organizinghomelife.com/ archives/4711
(editable cover) http://www. thenesteffect.com/p/free- printables.html
If you would like a budgeting printable or calendar as featured (my own creations), email me and I will send you a PDF version that you can download and print as many times as you wish. I have monthly calendars in single-page and two-page form as well as weekly calendars in two-page form. For the budget printable, I have it in weekly and in monthly versions. These are free for the taking!
Enjoy your organizing!
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