
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 4

OMGoodness, y'all... I am sorry. Last night we had so many things to do! 

When I got off work (30 minutes early, whoop, whoop!!) we had to pick up Ryan's new Rx, buy more knobs to make some more stocking holders and start on the next project I will be debuting soon. :) Then we rushed to the store and bought the gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas project our LifeGroup at church is doing. The PTA (which I am the Treasurer for) was hosting a Holiday Family Movie Night at the school last night, but my kiddos weren't going since they were with their dad. So I dropped off the hot chocolate I signed up to bring, made sure they didn't need me, and then we split for Temple. We ate dinner at Chili's (split an entree and each had a salad.. then NO dessert) and then went to some other stores to finish our shopping (for another gifting program for families in need as well as some stuff we needed for the house).

By the time we got home after all of this, it was about 9 pm. I put Connor to bed while Jeremy brought in the bags of stuff and then I totally passed out in bed while waiting for him. I haven't gone to sleep at 9:15 pm since I was in like middle school! I felt old, but I was just too tired. 

However, yesterday I made some good progress on my FMB (Family Management Binder) and I am taking pictures to post this morning. It isn't as cute as it is going to be, but right now it is functional. I originally planned to use it starting January 1, but I am so excited about it that I already am using the planner. :) I love it, y'all! Anywho, I will have pictures up before lunch, and then tonight we have my husband's company Christmas Party! Maybe I will post pictures when we are all done up... I plan to work on a special project this weekend as well as plan out my blogs for next week so I won't be posting again until Monday. 

Hug your kids tighter and count your blessings. Please be in prayer for the families who lost loved ones in Newtown, CT Friday morning. We know those little kids will have made it to be aside Jesus, and we hope the same for the warriors who tried to save them. 

Have a great and safe weekend, everybody! 


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